Sunday, 5 November 2017

Freelancer work in part time at home

How to select a Freelance Site?

I hardly work for online jobs through my freelancer website in part time.  Which help me a lot to work online jobs at home in my part time?  Its really help me out to make it possible for me.

I have found many websites for freelancer job but I could reach real people through this following website which help to work in online?

How do we find the freelancer work?

You can select a category which is related to your skill then you can post your profile their.  After that you can find many jobs which are available in your category to work for online jobs.

Also you can browse your contents, you can browser your projects through select your category which help you to find the right job for your skill level.

you can find the private chat with your clients or consinor or consignee to get job for your skill level.  I really enjoyed to work in my category level work and its quit interesting for me to work at home.

You can find the link below to make it possible for you dear friends :

Freelance Jobs at Home  

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Selling Mobiles in part time

How to sell mobile phone in part time?

I had an experience when I went to foreign country last year.  One of my friends asked to buy a iphone 7 and then I bought it for 499 USD but I sell it on 550 usd.  So I have got a huge income through selling it.  If you have one or two mobile in your luggage then it will be very easy to handle it to come out from Indian Airport Authorities.

So I have two mobiles which bought by my friends after sometime I used to go abroad to buy something to sell which was saved my travelling expenses.  After long time, I used to get some pieces in my baggage then it's also very useful to me to sell it. 

After a year, I was registered my company name to sell my iphones and other phones through leading websites.  Now I have improved my selling and buying mobiles through online. 

How should we get products through baggage?

If you want to buy some mobile phones or any product like ipad, cameras and memory cards and many to put it in baggage.  It will be giving some duty reductions when it will give small duty exemption.  So you can sell it after clearing your goods as baggage.

Sometimes, it's very difficult to clear your shipments when you have battery items or only battery items in the baggage.  So be careful to check with travel agent people before you buy the products.  I hope you understand my words to use it for making real business for you in your part time.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

How to make real income from home?

How to make real income from home?

It's needy hour for making real part time income from home because we need more money to run a month as a middle class people.   I hope people really need to know that to get real income from home when we have free time or in our part time.   Most of the people need to get real income when we have a part time.

What are the ideas to manage our income?

I am very  much aware of part time income from home because of my monthly salary need not sufficient for my monthly expenses.  So I just want to plan for making real income from home through part time.  Then only we plan for it like below :

Sell vegetables in my part time :

I and my friends were planned to get vegetables from agricultural forms nearby.  Then we were coming to nearby city to sell it for small profit.  We happily did this job to get our part time income. 
We visited a village to buy brinjals, ladies fingers, onion, potatos and tomatos from them.  After reaching a nearby city then we stopped one area to sell it to the people to get real income from selling vegetables.  Now we really got handsome income in it.

Sell milk in our part time :

After long time to earn money from home to start a milk store in our village.  So now we need to start organic milk store to sell milks and its related products.  Now we are getting real income through this milk store.

Sell water cane in our part time :

Also we are dealing another products to sell purified water cane to the nearby home.  I am very much impressed to sell this water can to real income through another resources.